
The get_company_bulletin method retrieves the text of a specified company- level bulletin.



To get a list of all current bulletins, use the get_company method.


    <credentials object>, 
    "company": <company_name>, 
    "bulletin": <bulletin_name>, 
    "type": auto | manual

Request fields for get_company_bulletin

The following fields can be used in the get_company_bulletin method:

Field nameObligationDefinition/Value
bulletinRequiredThe name of the bulletin you want to view.
companyRequiredThe name of the company.
typeRequiredSpecify the bulletin type. Allowed values are:

auto — The bulletin is automatically sent to new users when their accounts are created.

manual — The bulletin is sent only when the post_company_bulletin ADD LINK method is run.

Response fields for get_company_bulletin

The following fields may be returned in response to the get_company_bulletin method:

Field nameObligationDescription/Value
bulletin_textReturned if success = trueThe text of the bulletin.
errorReturned if success = trueA text string that explains the error.
error_numberReturned if success = trueA number that represents the error.
successAlways returnedIndicates whether the request was successful or not. Allowed values are true and false.

Examples for get_company_bulletin


  "credentials": {
    "user": "[email protected]",
    "password": "sw0rdfish"
  "company": "Example Corp",
  "bulletin": "Fridge",
  "type": "auto"


  "success": true,
  "bulletin_text": "From: Mister Manager <[email protected]>
Subject: Please empty the fridge!
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: inline
Dear {'title'} {'name'},
Please empty *all* your items from the kitchen refrigerator *every* Friday. I cannot stress how much of a priority this is.
M. Manager " }