The get_company method retrieves settings and other information for a specified company.
<credentials object>,
"company": <company name>
"success": true,
"settable_attribute": [list of attribute names],
"options": {key value pairs}
"manual": [{bulletin info}, {bulletin info}, ...],
"auto": [{bulletin info}, {bulletin info}, ...]
"createtime": <company creation time>
"inherit": {
"brand": <brand>,
"default_password_encoding": <encoding type>,
"filterdelivery": <quarantine | passthrough>,
"password_strength": <string>,
"regen_passwords": <number>,
"smtp_sent_limit": <number>,
"spamfolder": <folder>,
"spamtag": <tag>,
"spamlevel": <level>
"attributes": {key value pairs}
Request fields for get_company
The following fields can be used in the get_company method:
Field name | Obligation | Definition/Value |
company | Required | The company whose settings you want to view. |
Response fields for get_company
The following fields may be returned in response to the get_company method:
Field name | Obligation | Description/Value |
attributes | Returned if company exists | A list of the attributes and values associated with the company. For more information, see the Attributes table below. |
error | Returned if success = false | A text string that explains the error. |
error_number | Returned if success = false | A number that represents the error. |
metadata | Returned if company exists or can be created | Allowed values are: bulletins, createtime, default_password_encoding, inherit, and options. For more information, see the Metadata table below. |
settable_attribute | Returned if company exists or can be created | The attributes that can be set and the services that can be enabled, disabled, or suspended. Allowed values are: allow, block, brand, contacts, default_password_encoding, filterdelivery, language, limit_aliases, limit_users, notes_external, quota, password_strength, regen_passwords, service_imap4, service_pop3, service_smtpin, service_smtprelay, service_smtprelay_webmail, service_webmail, spamfolder, spam_header, spamlevel, spamtag, stats_mailout, timezone, and wm_domainalias. |
success | Always returned | Indicates whether the request was successful or not. Allowed values are true and false.  |
Attributes fields
The following fields may be returned within the attributes array.
Field name | Obligation | Definition/Value |
account | Always returned | The company name. |
allow | Optional | A list of senders whose messages are not scanned for spam; may include wildcards. For example [email protected] and * Maximum 1000 addresses. |
block | Optional | A list of email addresses whose messages will always be identified as spam; may include wildcards. For example, [email protected] and * Messages from these addresses will always be considered to be spam. Maximum is 1000 addresses. |
brand | Optional | The default brand that is used for domains that do not have a brand assigned. |
contacts | Optional | A list of up to 100 company contacts. email — The contact's email address. name — The contact's name; maximum 128 characters. notes — Optional notes; maximum 1024 characters phone — The contact's phone number; maximum 64 characters * type — The type of contact. Allowed values are business, technical, emergency, abuse, and billing. |
default_password_encoding | Optional | The type of password hashing/encoding to be performed when OpenSRS receives an unencrypted password to store for a user. |
domain_push_allowed | Optional | A list of company_ids for resellers that are allowed to push domains to this company (see push_domain method) |
domain_push_notify | Optional | An email address notifications are sent to whenever a domain is pushed to this company (see push_domain method) |
filterdelivery | Optional | The value that is used for domains in the company that do have this attribute set. Allowed values are: quarantine — Spam messages are stored locally in the user's spam folder. passthrough — Spam messages are delivered with the specified spamtag and spamheader. |
language | Optional | The default Webmail UI language for new domains in the company. |
limit_aliases | Optional | The maximum number of aliases that can be created for domains in this company. |
limit_users | Optional | The default maximum number of users that can be created in domains in this company. |
notes_external | Always returned | Any notes that were added through the change_company method. Maximum is 4096 characters. If there are no notes, returns null. |
osrs_id | Optional | The OpenSRS Reseller ID associated with the company. |
quota | Optional | The default quota assigned to new domains created in this company, in megabytes (MB). |
quota_maximum | Optional | The maximum quota (in Megabytes) that can be set for domains in this company. |
password_strength | Optional | The minimum level at which the password strength checks must pass (see change_user). If set to null, the value will be inherited from the cluster default. |
regen_passwords | Optional | If set to true, the next time a user logs in, their passwords will be converted to the encoding specified in default_password_encoding (if their current encoding differs from the one specified in default_password_encoding). |
service_imap4 | Optional | The default setting for new domains for the IMAP4 service (enabled, disabled, or suspended). If enabled, new users can log in via IMAP4. |
service_pop3 | Optional | The default setting for new domains for the POP3 service (enabled, disabled, or suspended). If enabled, new users can log in via POP3. |
service_smtpin | Optional | The current default setting for new users for the SMTPIN service (enabled, disabled, or suspended). If enabled, new users can send email. |
service_smtprelay | Optional | The default setting for new users for the SMTPRELAY service (enabled, disabled, or suspended). |
service_smtprelay_webmail | Optional | The default setting for new users for the SMTPRELAY Webmail service (enabled, disabled, or suspended). If enabled, new users can send email via Webmail. |
service_webmail | Optional | The default setting for new users for the Webmail service (enabled, disabled, or suspended). If enabled, new users can log in via Webmail. |
smtp_sent_limit | Optional | The default maximum number of messages that users in the company can send in a 24 hour period if this value is not set at the user or domain level. Note: If the same message is sent to two recipients, it counts as two messages against this limit. |
spamfolder | Optional | The folder to which messages that have been identified as spam are delivered if this value is not set at the user or domain level. Maximum 128 characters. |
spamheader | Optional | The tag that will be assigned to the header of spam messages if not set at the user or domain level. The format for the header must be [Capital letter]anything[:] anything. For example, XSpam: Spam detected. Maximum 512 characters. |
spamlevel | Optional | The level of aggressiveness for spam filtering if not set at the user or domain level. Allowed values are: Normal, High, and Very High. |
spamtag | Optional | The tag that is appended to an email message to identify spam if this value is not set at the user or domain level. Maximum 30 characters. |
stats_mailout | Optional | The addresses to which company snapshots emails are sent for the company. |
timezone | Optional | The default timezone for domains in the company. |
wm_domainalias | Optional | The default value assigned to new domain in the company. If set to true, Webmail will offer users different From addresses based on domain aliases. |
Metadata fields
The following fields may be returned in the metadata array:
Field name | Obligation | Description/Value |
bulletins | Returned if company exists | A hash of the manual and auto bulletins that exist in the company. Includes the following: count — The number of users to whom the bulletin was delivered. last — The last time (date and time) that the bulletin was sent. mtime — The last time that the bulletin was sent, in UNIX Epoch time. name — The name of the bulletin. * total — The number of users to whom the bulletin is being sent. Note: If the bulletin job has completed, the values for count and total will be the same. |
createtime | Returned if company exists | The date and time when the company was created, displayed in UNIX epoch time. |
inherit | Returned if company exists | The values that will be assigned if they are not explicity set for this company. Includes the following: brand — The Webmail brand for this company. default_password_encoding — The type of password hashing/encoding to be performed when OpenSRS receives an unencrypted password. filterdelivery — The way in which spam messages are handled. spamfolder — The folder into which messages identified as spam will be delivered. spamheader — The tag that is added to messages that are identified as spam. spamtag — The value of this field is prepended to the subject of any message that is identified as spam. * spamlevel — The level of aggressiveness set for the spam filter. |
options | Returned if company exists | The list of settings that can be set or changed for the company. Includes all available values for each setting to allow a UI client to populate a page of attributes and drop-down options. Allowed settings are brand, default_password_encoding, language, quota, spamlevel, and timezone. For an explanation of each of these values, see the Attributes table above. |
Examples for get_company
"credentials": {
"user": "[email protected]",
"password": "sw0rdf1sh"
"company": "Example Corp"
"success": true,
"settable_attributes": [
"metadata": {
"options": {
"quota": [
"quota_maximum": [
"default_password_encoding": [
"timezone": [
"language": [
"brand": [
"Default Brand",
"Demo Co Brand",
"Demo Co Test Brand"
"spamlevel": [
"Very High",
"inherit": {
"default_password_encoding": "BCRYPT-10", "spamfolder": ".Spam",
"spamheader": null,
"brand": "bcom1",
"spamtag": null,
"filterdelivery": "local",
"spamlevel": "90"
"bulletins": {
"manual": [],
"auto": [
Updated less than a minute ago